New material
You know we have started working on some new songs with Illuminandi. Here’s a teaser from one of them. This is just RAW demo, 100% home recorded, no bass, no cello (yet), drums courtesy of Riffworks… How do you like it?
You know we have started working on some new songs with Illuminandi. Here’s a teaser from one of them. This is just RAW demo, 100% home recorded, no bass, no cello (yet), drums courtesy of Riffworks… How do you like it?
“In Via” finally available on iTunes!!! If you can’t bother to get a physical copy of the CD, you can now get our last album from iTunes.
Click HERE.
Spread the news!
das Songwriting ist nicht nur äußerst abwechslungsreich, sondern auch durchweg gutklassig , which means: “the songwriting is not only extremely varied, but also consistently good” – this is how one of the main German metal sites, POWERMETAL.DE, describes our new album. We’ve been awarded 8/10 point. Not bad, huh? The whole review is available HERE (in German).
The time has come to tell you about the changes we’ve been experiencing in the Illuminandi camp.
The biggest change is the one regarding our guitarist, Aleksander Kozioł. Alek, who started the band together with Jan in 1998, decided to quit for personal reasons. His replacement will be Tomasz Domka (ex-Valinor), who some of you might remember as our substitute growler for a few concerts in 2006/2007. Until we find a growling frontman, Tomasz will also be handling aggressive vocals live.
Another new member is Regina Szlachta, who has replaced Krzysztof Kawa, our violin player. Krzysztof started his first job and moved to a different part of Poland, which makes it impossible for him to take part in the band’s activities. However, we have his word that if we ever need his help, he will do all he can to answer our call. Regina has just graduated from the Academy of Music in Kraków, where she studied the violin. She comes from a musical family and is a very experienced and extremely tallented musician.
Changes are a part of life. They may not always be pleasant, but sometimes they lead to good things. Time will tell how these changes will affect Illuminandi. We are not happy that Alek and Krzysztof are no longer a part of Illuminandi, but we are extremely pleased and thrilled to welcome such great musicians as Tomasz and Regina to our family. With renewed energy, we are getting to work!
As for our cellist Antonina, she is still in the band. She hasn’t been playing shows with us for the past few months because her baby daughter needed her more than Illuminandi listeners. However, little Helena is becoming stronger and more independent each day, which means Antonina may be able to go back to performing live relatively soon.
The current Illuminandi line-up is as follows:
The video is available here. Enjoy!